Hello and welcome to Happily Ever After,
it's me Hannah and today I want to talk about how I manifested my divorce.
I love a bit of manifesting chat and I have no doubt that manifesting has the
potential to change,
like completely change the path of your life for the good and
But obviously my journey took me on rather an interesting yellow brick road,
we shall say,
where yes,
I manifested the thing that I really didn't want,
but I will get to that in just a moment.
First, I wanted to ask you about your second born child.
And the reason is because I saw this reel this week and it said, I shall read it.
If you needed something illegal done,
which one of your kids would you call and why is it your second child?
And I was like, oh my God.
Totally, totally is.
I'm a second child, by the way, and I did loads of illegal things when I was younger.
Don't tell anyone.
I don't know why I'm shouting about this on a podcast.
But, you know, I also wrote about it in my book, How to Divorce Sober.
So you can see it there.
But yeah,
I mean,
I'm not saying my second born is like going to go out and do loads of illegal things,
but she's definitely the one that I have observed this week.
Because we went to a party and it was like a lovely tennis party.
And everyone's taking part in having a go with the tennis.
And she did this for a while.
And then she was like, I'm done with doing what I'm told.
And, you know, the guys are like, come on, we're going to play dodgeball now.
Everybody get in the green bit.
And I watch my daughter and she's like, stood in the blue bit.
And not only is she not standing where she's meant to be,
but instead of being in the place so she can get hit by the ball,
she starts lobbing balls at the instructors.
And at this point, I'm just like, stood at the back.
I'm going to get myself out of the way.
You know,
the first couple of times I'm like,
can you take part in this or not throw balls at the instructors?
I don't know.
Part of me is like, it was independent woman day for a start, independent international.
So I was like, go on, just go be a rebel for a while.
It's not hurting anybody really.
These balls are like, you know, the squishy ones.
So yeah, I'm like, she's definitely got that rebel side to her.
And I was just wondering if you have a second born who is,
Or if you're a second born like me, and you're a bit of a rebel.
So I'd love to know if this theory is actually true.
So let me know.
And then just a little bit of an update on from last week's podcast,
I was talking about what to do when you have a bad day,
because I'd had a couple of bad days,
like out of the blue.
So I'm definitely investigating more around perimenopause and how this could be
affecting my moods.
And I guess
trying a few different things to see if over in the next few months,
if I consistently keep doing them,
that that will improve my mood.
So for example,
I've started seed cycling,
which if you're not sure what this is,
just give it a Google,
but it's where you have a certain type of seeds,
like two types of seeds for the first half of your cycle,
and then a different two for the second half.
And I first learned about this in the book, Period Power.
which I think is just up there.
I'm pointing for those on the audio on my bookshelf.
Like it's somewhere up there.
It's an excellent book.
Highly recommend looking into that because so I didn't even know my cycle when I
first read that book.
And I was like, what, 38.
So I knew nothing about when I was ovulating,
when I didn't even really know when my period would be due.
I was just winging life.
And I think up to that point, you probably can.
And then all of a sudden, like apparently perimenopause can hit people from mid thirties.
Like I think it's a lot more common than we've led to believe.
So yeah,
I'm exploring all of that kind of stuff and seeing if evening primrose oil and seed
cycling will help me feel a bit more myself,
I guess.
And just to
balance out some of these hormonal fluctuations so that i don't have those really
shit days where i feel hopeless and sad um but you know if i do i've got last
week's episode to listen to again just to remind myself that it's all okay we're
gonna be okay we're not hopeless waste of space so that's the plan um
Oh, and the other thing is I've really enjoyed starting getting my steps up again.
So I'm trying to do 10,000 steps a day and I'm not managing it,
but at least I am getting out for walks in a way that I didn't used to.
But because of this,
Instagram has started showing me relentlessly that those walking pad things that
you have under your desk.
And now I'm like, Siri, I'm like this close.
On the audio, my fingers are very close together.
Like this close to getting a standing desk and a walking pad.
And I'm trying to put myself off from doing it because, you know, it's money, ain't it?
And am I really going to use it?
Is it going to be one of those treadmills in the corners that we use as a cloak, coat stand?
But I really want one.
Like a really...
I love it.
Everyone's, everybody in the reels are like, Alastair Stone, just walking 10,000 steps a day.
And I'm like, yeah, man.
And I just feel like being more active.
Like I noticed when I sit down and I'm working that my lower back starts to seize up.
It's not going to happen if you're standing and walking.
feel free to tell me that that's a stupid idea if you believe it is,
or chime in and tell me how fabulous it is having a standing or walking desk.
I would love both ends of the spectrum.
Okay, so on to this week's episode, which is 99.
Can you believe I've been yabbering away for 99 episodes of Happily Ever After?
Oh, so I'm thinking about next week, because that'll be episode 100.
How do you think I should celebrate?
I have nothing planned as of yet.
So very open to suggestions.
Weirdly, I will be recording this episode on my 42nd birthday, unless I do it the day before.
But basically, it's going to be my birthday.
And I talked on this podcast about how I felt turning 40 two years ago.
I can't even tell you what episode it was, but it's called something like how I felt turning 40.
So you should be able to find it.
And then it's going to air on the spring equinox.
I've just noticed that.
One of my eyebrows raises without me actually being in control of it when I get excited.
So I just did it twice then.
So I am going to have one hell of a party on the 21st for the spring equinox to
welcome in that balancing gorgeous energy and use it to manifest really cool things
for spring.
So I'm having a beach fire ceremony, which you are very welcome to come to.
And I'll pop the link in the show notes.
So that'll be really cool.
So that stuff's happening,
but it's not specifically like,
it's a hundred days,
a hundred days,
a hundred episodes of happily ever after.
So I'd love, yeah, send some suggestions, but I'm thinking I might do some kind of giveaway.
or a competition or something like that.
So yeah,
drop it in the comments or send me an email,
hannah at hannahharvey.uk and I shall reply forthwith.
So yeah, onto today's topic, which is how I manifested my divorce.
No, I absolutely bloody love talking about manifesting.
So the reason I wanted to talk about it today is because on Monday I hosted a
spring workshop called Re-Emerge.
And I took everybody through this process where we slowed down.
We worked on getting clarity on what we want for spring and why.
And then I taught.
basics of manifesting and then we practice doing it so that's all in that workshop
um and to follow up i then took everybody through a guided meditation to kind of
it's like the bit you do before you manifest like really get your energy and your
vibes up because then you start magnetizing and
manifesting the things that you want so that's the idea of the ceremony and the
process I shared was exactly what I did for the month before my marriage broke down
and then I did it every day pretty much for about the next three years um so yeah I
guess it brought it all back and I'm like oh I love a bit of manifesting and it's
like I haven't properly done it the way that I used to do it
for quite some time because lots of other things have come in like spiritual things
and working with goddesses.
But sometimes it's just so nice to go back to the basics and be like,
oh yeah,
this was my route into all of this.
So I have used it like over the process,
obviously the divorce happened,
but I used it to sell a house that really shouldn't have sold.
We're in the middle of COVID.
And people were not buying this kind of house at this kind of time.
But I made it happen.
I used it to find a house when the odds were literally against me.
Like I needed to rent somewhere like next week.
And there was nothing.
But then something showed up in my sphere.
That was exactly what I needed.
Exactly the budget I needed in the space that I needed it.
And I did that twice.
Like there's something about me in houses that like when I want a house, it happens.
And then I have used it to find the perfect babysitter.
So I was really struggling with being a single parent and having children in
completely different places.
Like the issue I have is my kids are six years apart.
So one is, you know, at primary school, one's at secondary school.
And I had this issue where I had to be getting one from one place at the same time
as getting one from the other.
And this became my anxiety dream.
In fact,
it still is my anxiety dream that I'll be in the wrong place,
picking up the wrong one and the other one is stranded.
And obviously my phone won't work.
Does anybody else get that in their dreams when you're like, why won't my phone work?
I can't remember.
And everything gets really slow.
So yes, I used it to find the perfect woman.
She is still in my life, Julie.
I love her to the moon and back.
I never want her to not be in my life.
Not only does she look after my daughter when I have to be in lots of different places,
but she also does things like my washing and she empties the dishwasher.
When I come home, she's fed my kid, put her to bed,
Clean the kitchen.
Like this is dream stuff.
And I wrote out exactly what I wanted.
So yeah, it could be coincidence, but I don't care.
I found my dream lady and I will continue to use this process to do all my other dreams.
And I also did the exact same thing.
I don't want to equate finding a babysitter who I do love more than life itself.
with finding the love of my life but I did I used it to find Dan my boyfriend and I
did it in a slightly different way for Dan because I wanted to be a lot more
specific so there's like a whole raft of things like I've just started actually
doing this mentoring people one-to-one to show them exactly
how to do this process because it is quite in depth and you need to be really
specific when you wanna call in the right person.
But yeah,
you need to go through like all these different criteria to make sure that you're
calling in the right person and it worked like a charm.
So if you're currently looking for love and you're coming up with all of the duds
on the dating apps,
then drop me a message and you can try my method.
I'll talk you through it.
So the whole thing about manifesting is it's really bloody easy.
Like there's not a lot to it and we're already doing it every day anyway.
So, you know, that whole thing about what you think becomes your reality.
Well, that's basically it.
Like whatever is going on in your brain, whether it's positive or negative or
That's kind of what you're calling in,
which is why last week I was so keen to share what to do on a bad day,
because this is not about ignoring bad days and trying to fake it till you make it.
But there are things you can do to honor those days.
And then get yourself kind of back out of it.
So I'll get to that in a minute because,
I have kind of thoughts on the whole toxic positivity thing.
because we're already manifesting all the time,
because when we think that becomes our reality,
we may as well make our thoughts count and use our thoughts to take us closer to
what we want rather than away from it.
So if you're spiritual you can definitely add that element on top but you
absolutely don't need to be spiritual for this to work.
It's okay to just have a faith in yourself and all of this will still work.
It's just about what you connect to.
It might be the Holy Spirit.
It might be Jesus.
It might be Allah.
It might be the universe.
It doesn't really matter.
It could be
your inner spirit, connecting to your spirit, the one that is in your body.
So long as you're connecting to something that feels bigger than you,
I say bigger than you and still use your spirit,
but your spirit is kind of bigger than you because it's outside of your body as
well as inside.
Yeah, then you can make this work.
So when I started out, I was very apathetic to religion because I'd grown up,
with a dad for a vicar, love him, fully respect his choices.
But I was just a bit done with churches and religious stuff.
And I didn't particularly want to engage with manifesting from that kind of spiritual side.
I came to it,
feeling I was really anxious and I was really suffering from intrusive thoughts.
So I really...
wanted something to get me out of that state because I knew staying in that kind of
downward spiral was not gonna help me get out,
I guess.
So I was willing to give anything a shot.
So my way was to connect to the vastness of the universe and being kind of all of
almost like the scientific side of life,
like sitting and just imagining how tiny I am in comparison
to this entire universe and yet I'm here.
Do you get what I mean?
Like just feeling that gratitude of there's this whole wide world and universe and
stars and like just it's like literally mind-blowing.
So that's how I got into that feeling of like really getting my energy up and being like, what?
this and that's and here I am and you can do it through that you can do it through
gratitude and just really feeling grateful so there's loads of way in and then the
more I got into it the more I wanted to feel supported by the universe like I
wanted to feel held and like there is somebody there or something looking out for
So I work with that and that's the energy I'm going about in my day with.
Like I sat down and gone, oh, I'm being held and supported.
Oh, isn't that lovely to feel that somebody's got your back.
And then I go out into the world with that energy and feeling supported.
And then I'm so much more likely to pass that on to the next person.
So it's like this beautiful knock-on effect and it doesn't have to be spiritual if
you don't want it to be.
like these days my manifesting has brought a lot of spiritual influences in and
religious ones so i'm currently working with goddess energy which is very it
there's some hindu goddess energy coming through and some buddhist um and i say god
s like that's the one that i gravitate towards but i would work with medicine
buddha for example if i've got a poorly friend i'll
work with that energy of like I am sending healing to this person or I'm sending
healing to myself or my kids or whatever it is so but for the most part I work with
um this kind of goddess energy and I love Marici who is she's got three heads so
she brings this energy of compassion magnetizing energy and wrathful so
It's kind of like a really fun set of energies to work with depending on what
you're doing for the day.
Okay, so this is how I manifest.
I do it in kind of four stages.
So number one is I'll meditate for about 10 to 20 minutes,
focusing first on kind of calming my breath,
centering myself,
coming into my body,
and then using whatever intention I've set for today to
I'll focus on the intention to kind of bring that into my body as well.
So today I was working with clarity because I knew I had this podcast to record and
then I'm going to record next week's love note reset or like at least a couple of
the meditations for that because that is going to be all about
little 10 minute manif manifesting meditations to help you with your manifesting so
I had all this stuff going on that I wanted clarity on when I sat down so that is
the energy that I'm coming to this with basically so then I manifest for like 10
minutes so once I've calmed down got quiet then I sit and manifest and
And how you manifest and how you do this will differ for everyone because it
depends on how you learn.
So for me, I'm a kinesthetic learner mainly, and I like to write it out.
So when I was at school, if I was studying for an exam, I would write everything out.
Do you know what I mean?
Like write literally everything that I needed to learn.
I'd use different colors.
to get the key points, bullet point them.
And this is how I would cram for my exams the next day because I rarely did it in advance.
And that's how I manifest now.
I'm like,
I am so happy and grateful that my kids are healthy and surrounded by people that
love them.
Thank you.
So I'll use words like thank you.
Thank you for my body that is strong and healthy and my perfect weight of
let's say 70 kilos, that kind of thing.
So trying to get very specific and positive.
So you need to be careful that whatever it is that you're writing or doing is
slanted to the positive,
not the negative.
So you wouldn't want to write down, I'm so happy and grateful I'm not sick anymore.
It's the other way around.
I'm so happy and grateful that I'm healthy and vibrant and feel alive and wanna run
around and feel energetic and whatever it is that you're wanting to call in.
So sit and do that for like 10 minutes.
Sorry, I'll explain the other types of learning as well.
So another way that a kinesthetic learner might wanna do this is I like to do
embodiment practices through yoga.
So when I teach yoga, we always have an intention.
And I will remind everybody of this intention over and over again.
I tell people when to breathe.
I tell people to connect to the intention because the whole thing is that you're
giving your brain a fucking second to switch off and allowing your body to start to
embody the things that we're trying to do.
Okay, so it might be connecting to spirit for the day.
So I might say inhale into your heart space,
exhale connecting into your spirit,
something like that.
And through doing that kind of movement medicine stuff,
I'm starting to embody some of the things that I want to manifest into my life and
allowing my body to
to understand it as well, because that's the tricky thing.
If your body doesn't get it,
it's gonna sabotage you because it doesn't understand what's going on.
Okay, another way is audio.
So you kinesthetic learner, you could be an audio learner.
And a really great thing for audio learners to do is to write out what you wanna
manifest and then read it into your voice note.
And then you can use that to listen back.
Or you can just speak.
You don't need to write at all.
You can just use your voice notes to be like, to say it out loud.
I'm so happy and grateful that I've got 10 new clients.
Give it a timeframe as well.
Let's say 10 new clients by the end of spring.
You don't have to have loads of things either.
It could just be one big thing that you're working with.
And then the other type of learner is visual.
So if you're visual,
you're going to want to either go inside and meditate and just stay meditating,
visualizing all the things that you want,
how you're going to feel,
what it's going to look like,
who's there,
that kind of thing.
And then the other obvious one is do a vision board.
So think about the things that you want, flick through a magazine,
And whatever is calling to you,
be like,
ripping that baby out and then make your vision board so that every day when you
come to do your manifesting,
you've got something visual to focus on.
And you can be like,
I'm going to look at that picture of a woman looking vibrant and strong and healthy
and use that to help you then visualize it and bring in all this good energy.
And if you want to do that with me and Lou, we're doing that tonight at The Bound.
But obviously you can join us online,
but be very quick because obviously I need to know so that I can give you the Zoom
link so you can join.
If you are joining today,
drop me a message at Hannah Harvey UK on Instagram so I don't miss that you've joined.
And yeah, you can also do the replay of that.
So if you're hearing this in next spring,
for example,
and you're like,
I want to do a spring vision board,
then come and join.
The link is in the show notes and you'll get the replay.
So once you've done all of that,
The idea is that as you're doing it,
you're like really getting your emotions as big as you can,
like really tapping into how are you going to feel when you've got this thing that
you want?
What will it look like?
Who's there?
What are the numbers?
What are the,
you know,
the dates get really specific with all this stuff and feel it in your body,
like feel it in your fingers and your toes and,
even in your bits, like get turned on.
Like that is where the magic happens when you can get yourself into a state of like,
I am excited about this.
And how lovely if you've spent,
you know,
the day before feeling really shit to then be like,
I can get excited about this stuff.
It's lovely.
It's lovely.
And the beauty is that you're basically changing your state from to yes,
let's have your fun.
Okay, so we definitely know which type of person gets closer to their goals.
And it's definitely the one who
is excited by life, isn't it?
It's like with everything, whatever you enjoy, you're going to do well at.
And because you're enjoying it,
you'll magnetize the people in because they're like,
I want a taste of that.
So you might be thinking, why would I want to manifest my divorce?
And the thing is, I didn't.
i didn't want to get divorced if you've read my book you will know that was not
something i wanted i wanted us to sort everything out and to be happy again so
that's what i was writing down i am like i am so happy and grateful that my
relationship with my husband is thriving that he is healthy um
and all that, like the relationship type of things.
And then on top of that,
I was also writing about how I wanted to write a book,
how I wanted time to do this stuff.
And it,
I mean,
it took me a little while to realize that because I was unhappy and working on
feeling better every day and all the stuff that I was writing,
Yeah, about a month later, it was like, boom, something happened.
And it just meant the marriage was over.
And I honestly believe that that is because the things that I was writing about
could not coexist with me being married.
There was a lot of things that came about after my, you know, after we split up.
that I just don't believe they could have happened unless we split up.
Like it was required for us to go through that process to be where we are now.
And I have all those things that I wrote down.
Like I have time now because I'm a co-parent, half of the week I don't have my kids.
Did not enjoy that at all to begin with, at all.
It was like, be careful what you wish for.
But now, again, written about in my book, I promise you that it does get easier.
So if you're in that space of like,
I don't want to have half my time without my children,
it's horrible.
And I understand that.
But I've got to a point now where I can really enjoy my alone time as well and use
that time really well to nourish myself and my needs,
do my job,
see my boyfriend, like all of these beautiful things that come into my life.
It's possible to enjoy them when I'm on my own, as well as when I have my children.
So yeah, it took a while to see that I had manifested the divorce.
But when I did, I was like, I'm a witch.
I'm magic.
Oh my God, this is amazing.
And I could see that
it was actually an opportunity for us.
Cause the other thing is that I do now have a really good,
healthy relationship with my ex-husband and we're able to do things just in a
really collaborative way that I could never have envisaged even like two years ago.
So it's all come about in the end.
So it's kind of,
as you're manifesting and things are coming up,
some of them might not be seem or be as positive as you were hoping.
And I just want to encourage you to kind of trust that process and see obstacles as opportunities,
because there's a really high chance that you need this thing in order to get to
where you want.
And weirdly,
So I picked a card from Gabrielle Bernstein's The Universe Has Your Back card deck
for everybody who did the workshop the other night.
And the one I picked for anybody doing the replay was this one,
which is obstacles are detours in the right direction.
So I was like, ah, good.
Like it's just that reminder that it's not always gonna pan out exactly as you envision.
envision yeah but just keep the faith keep doing it keep going if it gets a bit
overwhelming don't do the manifesting bit maybe just come back to the breathing and
receiving that feeling of being held by the universe and trusting but yes a note on
toxic positivity this is not fake it till you make it stuff
We are,
you know,
acting and writing as if it's already happened,
but not to override existing feelings.
So if you're sad,
I really want you to refer back to last week's episode 98,
where you've got to honour these emotions and allow them to come up.
Spending a day feeling sad is not going to derail all of your manifesting stuff.
And maybe you don't even need to spend a day feeling sad.
If you actually spent a moment being like, come on, what's going on?
That might just be enough for your subconscious,
your brain,
whatever it is,
the maiden within you to go,
thank you for hearing me.
I feel seen.
Like whenever you've had a conversation with somebody where they've listened to you
and you feel seen,
it takes like 15 minutes to,
To go from resentment to, oh, okay, everything's fine now.
So it's really important to just spend that little bit of time going, what's going on?
Because otherwise, it's going to live in your body anyway.
And then your body is going to sabotage everything.
So it's absolutely pointless exercise, ignoring the negative emotions.
Give them space to breathe, honor them as they come up.
um and maybe it could be like i'll i'll give you 15 to 20 minutes to tell me what's
going on and then i'm going to take you by the hand and we're going to go for a
nice walk take in the abundance around us tap into that feeling of gratitude and
then maybe do some dreaming together how nice so yeah and you know
Use your friends,
use your therapist,
talk through all this stuff and take positive action to feel better.
Like it's possible to do both of these things and be successful at manifesting.
Okay, so now we know, we know how to manifest.
We know that it's really easy,
but so is going for a walk or doing some yoga or going to the gym.
The hard thing about manifesting is doing it.
Like actually creating the habit where you're like,
this is something I'm going to commit to because it's really easy,
isn't it?
To just let life get in the way and be like, oh, I'm not going to do it.
So for that reason, next week I have created a little...
reset the love note reset which i'd love you to come and join um and the focus for
this reset is manifesting the spring that you want and it's going to be a five-day
challenge that will help you get in the habit of manifesting regularly so
You can sign up for free using this link,
which is hannahharveyuk.substack.com forward slash manifest.
And that will give you a code for you to access all of my Love Notes membership for
30 days for free.
which means you'll get next week's reset.
But you can also find on there the re-emerge spring workshop, which I've been talking about.
That costs 15 quid for people to come,
but you can just get it for free if you would like to using that code.
And yeah, you can also do last month's reset challenge, which was seven days of calm.
So there's loads of things on there.
You just have to make sure you do it all within the next month.
And yeah, go get stuck in and see what you think.
And if you're listening to this episode in like a year's time, that code will still work.
So you can jump straight in.
So once again, that's hannahharvey.substack.com forward slash manifest.
All right, that's it.
That's all I got to tell you for today.
So get in touch.
Tell me about your second child.
tell me what you I should do sorry I can't get my words out now I'm too excited
tell me what I should do for my 100th episode to celebrate that and yeah tell me
about manifesting have you tried it have you manifested something crazy into your
life like super quickly has it not worked for you tell me everything about
manifesting because I'd love to hear from you
All right.
See you.
Have a great week.